Dedicated to the pursuit of justice

The Power of Class Action Litigation

How Class Action Litigation Helps People

Class action lawsuits are different than other types of lawsuits.

When a person, company, or any other entity harms a large group of people, one of the affected individuals can bring a class action lawsuit on behalf of many. That person is the lead plaintiff, acting as the class representative. The group of affected people is collectively known as the “class.” Once the court certifies the class action, everyone involved will receive notification. Each similarly affected individual may become part of the class action unless they specifically opt out. Not every class member will be directly involved in the progress of the case. Rather, the lead plaintiff will represent the group.

Class actions are helpful for a number of reasons. Some of these include:

Sending a message: When standing up to a large organization, resolving an individual lawsuit will not have as much of an impact as gathering together everyone who was similarly affected. Together, those plaintiffs can amplify their voices in court.

Versatility: People can bring class actions for a variety of reasons. Here are a few examples:

  • Actions against public entities, such as our action on behalf of Chula Vista residents who alleged they were improperly charged cell phone taxes.
  • Class actions stemming from catastrophic events like the Exxon Valdez oil spill.
  • Actions against corporate wrongdoing, such as the litigation against Volkswagen over falsely representing emission levels on their diesel vehicles.

Strength in numbers: One person may not have the resources to stand up to the defendant who harmed him or her. A class has the resources and practicing power to win.

Protecting others: In addition to seeking a recovery for everyone impacted by the same wrongdoing, a class action can help prevent the same harm from happening to more people.

CaseyGerry has been protecting consumers nationwide for decades. Our attorneys have stood up to individuals and large corporations alike when their actions let people get hurt. To help educate Californians on the laws that protect them as consumers, we have described a few of the laws below. Learn more here

Getting Specialized Help

Contact CaseyGerry at (619) 238-1811 to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation if you feel that you have been negatively affected by the false representations, actions or unfair treatment by a company, or other entity. We can get answers and find out whether others are dealing with the same problems.

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