What to Do After Being Hit by a Car

What to Do After Being Hit by a Car

As soon as you get past the initial shock of being hit by a car, exchange contact and insurance information with the motorist who hit you, seek appropriate medical attention regardless of the extent of your injuries, get the names and contact information of any witnesses who witnessed the accident, and consult with an experienced  San Diego personal injury lawyer, who can help you recover the compensation you deserve to remedy your losses and injuries.

Since 1947, the pedestrian accident lawyers at CaseyGerry have protected the rights of their clients to claim full compensation for the damages they have suffered after being hit by a car. If you need information about what you should do after you were hit by a vehicle, schedule a free consultation with a San Diego pedestrian accident lawyer.

Step 1: Exchange Contact Information, Take photographs at the scene and Report the Accident

Get the name, address, phone number, and auto insurance policy information from the motorist who hit you. Also, take photographs at the scene as to where and how the crash occurred and the vehicles involved.  If the motorist does not stop, get as much information about their vehicle as possible, including its model, plate number, and other identifying information that law enforcement authorities can use to track it down.

File an accident report with the local police or sheriff, and report the accident to your insurance company. Even if you were not driving, your auto or health insurance may cover a percentage of your medical costs and expenses. However, be careful when discussing your accident with insurers because their adjusters will look for reasons to deny or minimize your claim.

Step 2: Seek Medical Treatment

You should visit an emergency room or a critical care center within 24 hours after you were hit by a car, even if you feel fine. Some injuries, including concussions and whiplash, might not be apparent after a traumatic event. A thorough medical exam will rule out delayed onset injuries that can worsen in the days or weeks after your accident.

A medical exam in the immediate aftermath of being hit by a car will also establish a baseline for your medical condition on the date of the accident. If you delay seeking medical treatment, the motorist who hit you might wrongly claim that another event between the date of your accident and the date of your exam is the cause of your injuries. Delays in seeking medical treatment might also be misinterpreted as a suggestion that your injuries are not severe or that your delaying treatment somehow made them worse.

Step 3: Gather Evidence

You will have the best opportunity to recover a fair and reasonable damages award when you gather as much evidence as possible. This can help to prove the motorist’s negligence and the damages you suffered as a direct and proximate result of being hit by their car.

Relevant evidence might include the following:

  • Names and contact information of any eyewitnesses who saw the accident
  • Accident reports filed with the police
  • Photographs of the accident scene
  • Physical evidence from the accident (g., any parts or components that might have broken off of the car that hit you)
  • Medical reports from treating physicians and bills and invoices from doctors and emergency rooms
  • Pay stubs and wage statements that show any declines in your income while you recover from injuries.

Step 4: Retain an Experienced Pedestrian Accident Attorney

You will be at a disadvantage when you try, without legal assistance, to collect the compensation you deserve from insurance companies and other parties that handle hundreds or thousands of pedestrian accident claims. Insurance companies often find reasons to deny or minimize claims and use your statements to your disadvantage.

An experienced personal injury lawyer will level the playing field in all communications and negotiations with insurers. Suppose those parties are unwilling to settle for a fair amount. In that case, your lawyer will also ensure your rights to file a California pedestrian accident lawsuit to get you the full damages award that you deserve.

Contact CaseyGerry in San Diego, CA for a Free Consultation

If you have been hit by a car in Southern California, take care of your medical issues, and then call the pedestrian accident attorneys at CaseyGerry for advice and information on what to do next. We offer free consultations and will charge no fees to represent you unless and until we recover a damages award in your favor.

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