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6 Things To Do After a Motorcycle Accident

Immediately after a motorcycle accident, the most important thing is ensuring that you and the others involved are safe. However, there are several other steps you should take to protect your right to compensation.

1. Call 9-1-1

As soon as you can, call 9-1-1 to report your motorcycle accident and request medical assistance for anyone who is injured. The responding officer will create a report that details the collision, which will help prove your case. The law enforcement officer will note which party they believe to be at fault and how the accident occurred. Be sure to ask the officer for a copy of the report or which agency you can obtain a copy from.

2. Photograph the Accident 

Photographs are essential to a personal injury claim. If you are not medically transported to a hospital, stay and take photos of the scene. If possible, document the following:

  • The positions of the motor vehicles involved
  • Damage to the vehicles
  • Any damage to the surrounding area
  • Skid marks and other markings on the road
  • Street signs and traffic signals
  • Road conditions and any hazards, such as potholes or uneven lanes
  • Your injuries

3. Speak to Witnesses

If there was anyone nearby that witnessed the accident, ask for their name and contact information. Also, ask if you can record or write down their account of the events since it will still be fresh in their minds.

4. Seek Medical Treatment

Seek medical attention as soon as possible, even if your injuries are minor. Serious injuries can have delayed symptoms that may not present themselves for hours or even days. Getting checked out right away to document your injuries will help substantiate your injuries. If you don’t see a doctor right away, an insurance company can argue that your injuries are not severe or caused by the motorcycle accident.

5. Report the Accident to Your Insurance Company

Depending on your coverage, you may be able to go through your insurance company for payment on medical bills and vehicle repairs. They will then seek reimbursement from the at-fault party’s insurance company. If not, you will have to file an accident claim with the at-fault party’s insurer. When reporting the accident, only state the facts and be careful not to accept or admit fault. Insurance adjusters may seem friendly, but they are not your friends. They will look for any way to reduce or avoid payment on your claim. It will likely be in your best interests to speak to a motorcycle accident attorney first so they can advise you or handle talking to the insurance company for you.

6. Speak To a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Obtaining the compensation you deserve from an insurance company can be difficult on your own. A San Diego Motorcycle Accident Attorney can take that burden on for you and will assist you with gathering medical records, bills, pay stubs, accident reports, eyewitness testimony, available surveillance footage, and any other pertinent evidence. They will ensure you have what you need to support your claim and are treated fairly by the insurer.